Sunday, May 26, 2013

Suck My Lick, AnnaCronym

Resplendant in neons, blazing laser beams of lightning sparks in scorching pink, chlorophyll lime-green, nectarine orange, pool water blue, sunfire yellow and magic violet, dispersing in roman candle death. Sweat licks her thighs down from the creamy depths of a hospital gown brilliant white sundress. From the gritty cement, the view distorts upward. Fisheye lens of perception from the bottom. The beginning line. Cherry red heels cavort over me, stabbing between my ribs in jet mist geysers and for a moment, my heart flies at the brief glimpse of baby blue panties streaking scintillation over my face. Black out. Breaching horizons, the end surpassed. The starting gun is reloaded, drawn and pushing into my spine hard enough to bruise.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Werewolf Hologram

Magnanimous hemoglobin drenched fangs rend wormwood flesh with a slavering hostile mouth, the comet's tail glowing sapphires beneath furled brow. My mind in the stars, outside smog stained atmosphere, bathing in the chroma pestilence of the insurgent: supernatural sky-streamer H8. Alone, I am a pack to raze unchecked genocide, my bare naked razor grip is the clutch of gators death rolling to obliterate bones and sinew in baseball bat home run cracks on the 'greener on the other side' verge. A dancing feeding frenzy on the rat faced granny; the old hag that sits on your chest has transcended nightmare and in waking hours screams glass throat tirades of joy at your breathless anxiety gulps. The moonlight blue ice aurora watercolor brushes the chlorophyll in the strangled forest of my discontent in alien aquas. Rub in the blood spray with the friction of my frazzled mind. I am nude. My physique Slip N' Slides through the red hue mercy murder of cause and I'm playing in indigo patches; a confounded intelligent fish flapping through the ecstasy of liquid life. 

My home, the Empyrean. My heart, weightless. My enchantment, you. Your gaze is forever deep and flooded overflowing with infinity. Your smile redefines. We bathe in each other with brilliant diorama tinctures of planet engulfing spectacle; an aura colliding lightning storm. A dissipation of the insignificant aspects of others occurs and intoxicated, you are all there is. Shrugging off the confines of incinerating passion into a big bang realm of fevered lust, two rocketing astronauts pressed together in a mutual fascination magnetic G-Force, tongues intertwined, teeth biting sensual caresses on moist bottom lips. Kiss me for hours in wet raw osculations. Hands and fingers explore wanton terrain, pulling triggers to quickening heartbeats.

Agenda: hopscotch sui-sideways caterwauling jazz steps. Cavort. I will fucking sidestep self-death that was never mine. It has been the greatest lie. The aspersions you have cast are an unforgivable decrepit deceit upon the world. I killed you, Hag. The first mother, Fear. Your sisters are neither safe nor elusive. All of them, marked upon their hands. Invisibility becomes mirage and takes form. The fabric they wear is fabrication and every weak point is evident beyond clarity in the cobalt radiance of our perfect vision. Your family line, a heritage of destruction infecting the brains, throats, lungs, hearts and clammy cold shaking limbs of humankind is coming to an end. We move inward and outside the limits of your jealous precedence.  I am the reason barked commands from every soul in distinctive unique melodies on every harmonic frequency in unison. The dirge is being sung; soon the coda. Werewolf hologram roars a digital reaper howl, gutting all dimensions into the now. We are The Black Road. We are the monster in the shadows. What puts the fear into you, Mother Fear? We can never know. The deck is stacked and we move between all versions of eco-systematic possibility to Amber. We are celebrating in your corpse; buried forever and ever and ever. 
